

We are passionate about the world of hemp, a real resource by a thousand properties and a thousand uses. Maalingan is a Mongolian world that means “Hemp”. Cannabis plants are believed to be first and evolved into the steppes of Central Asia, specifically, in the modern Mongolia and southern Siberia, where it was already cultivated 12,000 years ago, making it one of the first cultivated crops in the history of mankind. Hemp is a plant with surprising qualities and is suitable for many uses:


Hemp seed is the most nutritious seed there is. It has a protein content of 20/25%, and contains all 9 essential amino acids. It contains the omega-6 linoleic acid and the omega-3 alfalinoleic acid, which are essential fatty acids, in the right ratio for the human organism. In addition there are vitamins, phytosterols, carotenes and minerals. From the cold pressing of the seeds you can get an oil for food and cosmetic that is considered a nutritional vaccine, in the sense that it has all the qualities of a protective food: if used daily helps for example to strengthen the immune system and to lower the cholesterol levels. From the seeds it is also possible to obtain flours for the creation of sweet and savory baked goods.


PAPER | The first copies of the Bible printed by Gutenberg were produced with this type of paper and the originals of the American (1776) and French (1791) Constitutions were written on hemp paper. Producing paper with hemp fiber has important advantages including a high productivity in cellulose (one hectare of hemp produces in just a few months the same cellulose produced by 4 hectares of forest in decades), a low percentage of lignin compared to the wood of trees and the fact that the fiber of the hemp is already white, making it unnecessary to whiten with chemicals, often harmful.
BIO-BUILDING | The “organic bricks” produced by hemp have insulating properties and natural moisture regulation. Hemp combined with lime guarantees good insulation and minimization of thermal bridges, passive heat recovery from solar energy and internal sources, external air tightness and high efficiency mechanical ventilation. Another feature is the excellent mechanical strength and the reduction of energy costs to maintain constant temperature and humidity.
BIO-PLASTICS | There are already several plastics made of hemp fiber. The fusion of hemp fibers into plastic reduces the amount of material derived from petroleum and improves the overall quality of the product.
TEXTILE | The fabric for clothing, furniture, ropes and carpets is obtained from the long fiber of the hemp plant. Thanks to its hollow fiber, hemp remains fresh in summer and warm in winter. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties and is able to absorb the body’s moisture, keeping it dry and absorbing infrared rays and UVA up to 95%. The resistance to tearing is three times greater than the one of cotton and among the natural fibers it is the one that best resists wear.


The medical use of hemp has a millennial history shared by many cultures in the world. More than 750 different substances have been identified in the plant, of which 113 have a structure similar to the main cannabinoids whose concentration and distribution can vary considerably depending on the genetic profile of the plant and the cultivation methods. Modern medicine is continuing to study cannabinoid-based preparations in order to identify new uses.